
Pre-Service Teacher Education

Pre-Service faculty of DIET, not only imparts training to teacher trainees, but it takes up the academic leadership of all pre-service teacher training of the district.

    Role and Function

  • To organize quality Pre-Service Training for the Elementary School Teachers.
  • To propagate Learner Centered Education through preparation of TLM and SLM.
  • To provide Child centered Subject related methodology to the teacher trainees.
  • To provide psychological guidance and counseling services to schools.
  • To conduct In-service training to teachers.
  • To maintain Science Lab, psychology Lab, Work Experience Materials, Art Education Articles, Physical Education Equipment and maintaining a garden.
  • To conduct Action Research on enrolment, retention, participation, regularity and learner’s achievement in Lab Area Schools.
  • To promote and support Yoga, Physical Education, Health Education by conducting competitions like debate, elocution, seminar, quiz, essay writing, dance, music, songs etc.,

District Resource Unit

This unit runs by two faculty members (one senor Lecturer and one Lecturer)

    Role and Functions

  • It leads the Adult literacy programmes in this district by giving training to prerakh’s as a combined effort with District Literacy Mission.
  • It supervise the evaluation process of answer scripts of ‘A’ level and ‘O’ level Examination.
  • It develops learning and training materials for continuing education programmes.
  • It conducts monitoring of all training programmes for adult literates.
  • It maintain the standards of various programmes for adult and continuing education.

In Service (Programme, Field Interaction, Innovation & Coordination)

1. To assist educational authorities in planning and co-ordination of inservice education programmes for elementary teachers throughout the district, and to plan and co-ordinate such programmes held in the DIET, Pursuant to this, the Branch would-

    Role and Functions

  • Identify training needs of elementary teachers in the district, and prepare a perspective plan for meeting such needs.
  • Prepare an annual calendar of all programmes to be held in the DIET, and help concerned authorities in preparing an annual calendar of inservice programmes to be held outside the DIET.

2. To serve as the nodal branch for organising-

  • All those in-service education programmes for teachers and Head masters, at the Institute, whose content does not relate exclusively or pre-dominantly to any one Branch i.e. programmes of a relatively general/omnibus nature.
  • Orientation programmes for resource persons who would conduct in-service programmes for teachers at other centres in the district.
  • In-service education programmes for teachers in the distance/distance-cum-contact –modes (Apart from programmer that the DIET may organize in these modes, on its own, it may also serve as a district level study centre for such programmes which may be organized, say, at the state level. IFIC Branch will serve as the nodal branch for this purpose as well)

3. To evaluate and monitor the quality and efficacy of in-service programmes held in and outside the DIET, and to strive for their continuous improvement.

4. To maintain a database on all persons, except NFE/AE personnel, who undergo training at the institute, and to organize follow up activities pursuant to such training, through correspondence, visits, transmission of printed material, etc

5. To serve as a reference and resource centres for teachers who wish to continue their education.

6. To act as the nodal branch for all action research, and field interaction (including extension) activities.

  • To co-ordinate in-house action research activities and disseminate its results.
  • To act as a clearing house for information on results of all studies, research, innovation etc.
  • To publish periodic newsletter and an institute journal to be sent to every elementary school/NFE/AE centre in the district.

Educational Technology

This faculty established in 1989, one Senior Lecturer and one Lecturer are the faculty members.

Role and Functions

  • Empowers the teachers on the effective utilization of the successful findings of the technology world.
  • Finds out and practice the innovative practices and strategies in the class room, to make learning mastery and effective.
  • To develop simple, effective and low-cost teaching aids for elementary education.
  • To help the DRU in developing low-cost teaching aids for AE/NFE
  • To maintain all AV equipment of the institute and computer lab.
  • To maintain a display area for good & low-cost teaching aids.
  • To maintain a library of educational VCDs.
  • To lend and borrow slides, cassettes and films to other institutions.
  • To liaise with nearby radio station for arranging educational broadcasts.
  • To conduct in-service programs for teachers in the area of ET.
  • To conduct workshops for the development work
  • To provide ET related inputs into all programs/activities of pre-service and in-service branch.

Focusing Areas

  • Educational Technology – History and Development
  • Scope of Educational Technology in class rooms
  • Educational Technology in education.
  • Educational Technology of education.
  • Proper and effective utilization of labs and libraries.
  • Observation classes.
  • Demonstration classes by participants
  • TLM preparation and script writing
  • Technology friendly class rooms
  • Computer aided learning and instruction.

Planning and Management

1. To maintain an appropriate database for the district which may be required for various planning exercises aimed at the UPE/UEE/NLM goals and for monitoring progress towards these goals.

2. To conduct studies with a view to giving policy advice to educational planners/ administrators/ DBE regarding UEE/ NLM. Some of the important areas for such studies would be:

  • Enrollment, retention and regularity of attendance of children and adult learners (Especially females, SC/ST, minorities, handleapped, slum-dwellers and other disadvantaged groups) – various factors affecting these.
  • Effect of various interventions (including incentives) on the above.
  • Community’s perception of and participation in the process of basic education.
  • Development of norms, criteria and techniques for evaluation of institutions (Schools and AE/NFE Centres) of the district.

One or two educationally backward pockets of the district, which are with-in-easy reach from the District will be specially chosen for conducting above studies as well as a lot of action research activities. These may be called the ‘Lab area’ of the DIET. However, while a lot of studies and action research will be concentrated in the lab area, they would not be necessarily confined to this area, and other suitable areas would also be chosen depending on the nature of work involved.

3. To provide technical assistance to educational authorities in

  • School Mapping
  • Micro-planning for UPE/AUEE in an area specific and target group specific manner
  • Formation and activation of school complexes
  • Institutional planning for school complexes, schools etc.,
  • Institutional evaluation.

4. To serve as the nodal branch in relation to all programmes of community involvement in basic education, and in particular, to conduct orientation programmes for members.

5. Head of school Complexes and Block level educational functionaries in P&M, covering areas like leadership, motivation, involving the community, educational administration, finance and accounting, office procedure, planning for UPE/UEE, institutional planning etc.

6. To appraise the efficacy of various programmes of educational development implemented in the district especially vis-à-vis the objectives of UPE/UEE and NLM.

7. To act as the nodal branch for preparing quin-quennial and annual institutional plans and annual self evaluation reports for the DIET, and for liasing with the DBE.

8. To provide P&M related inputs into all other programmes/activities of the institute e.g. pre-service and in-service programmes for teachers, training programmes for NFE/AE personnel, Field Interaction (including Extension) activities, Action Research etc. with special reference to the areas listed under(3) above.

Curriculum Material Development and Evaluation

This departmental runs with two faculty members. One Senior Lecturer and one Lecturer.

Role and Functions

  • To organize workshops for preparing learning materials which helps to impart curriculum effectively.
  • To conduct Action Research, debates and Seminars related to academic and Administrative matters.
  • To adopt, implement and monitor new strategies in the field of evaluation throughout the Districts.
  • To take up researches and studies in the field of curriculum, instructional strategies and evaluation.
  • To analyse the existing curriculum, text books, hand books and other learning materials which used in the primary and secondary level.
  • To prepare materials for all subjects up to secondary level which smoothes the teaching learning process.
  • To document and disseminate all educational activities in the District done by DIET and related to SSA, Jilla Panchayath and other educational agencies.

Work Experience

Role and Functions

  • To integrate all activities in the District connected with work experience.
  • To take leadership in the planning, execution and evaluation of co-curricular activities, especially in the field of work experience.
  • To equip teachers in primary section, to plan and execute learning activities, integrating the competencies in work experience and core-subjects, through teacher training.
  • To develop materials, to transact curricular objectives of work experience, up to std 10.
  • To impart awareness classes and practical trainings to work experience teachers in connection with revised curriculum, teaching learning materials and new approach of teaching work experience.
  • To develop a new work culture among the growing generation which unable them to take up any job in the field of production which contribute to the increase in the national income of our country.